Monday, March 16, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day Three

Another day of social distancing down. At least today Trump said he's recommending anything with groups of 10 people or more are canceled and recommending people stay home. He's not super clear about it, though. He did say this could go on through July or August, so it seems like he's finally admitting this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. I guess that's something. I'd love it if he could get through a press conference without saying what an amazing job his administration is doing (today he gave them a 10/10 on his response).  San Fransisco is going on lockdown, the first city to do so. 

Florida, meanwhile, remains a joke. Our local newstation posted video from an absolutely PACKED Clearwater Beach, and the governor has just asked resturants in Miami Dade to have take out instead of dine in, and announced loans to help small business owners. But still no more directions about staying home. He's so wishy washy on it, I really fear Florida is going to be terrible, like Italy bad. Disney did announce they'd close their hotels at the end of the week, and Disney Springs on the 17th, so I guess that's progress. But, we're still apparently having elections tomorrow which is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Luckily, we early voted days ago. I have no new Florida numbers for you, because instead of being dropped in the middle of the night, they weren't dropped at all. So, there's that. Oh, and just moments ago I foudn out our lodge is closing up, so no more pool parties down there. And some neighborhood people are really mad about it. I'm over here like, you guys this is a real thing. STAY HOME. 

For us though, life remained pretty normal for a Monday. Usually Calib would have class, and Hayden would have a library event. But other than that, it was just Asa's normal schedule (oh the joys  of working for an online college- life is wildly UNinturrupted these days). I took the dogs out for their usual walk, and we didn't see any of the usual neighborhood crew out and about, but we did wave to a couple newbies from across the street. I let them sniff lots. Without errands or Hayden to drive around anywhere, I have some time on my hands. 

Hayden's schedule remains mostly uninturrupted. But, I told him as this goes on, maybe we'll change things up a bit- without getting out to his programs and events, I think it'll be hard on him. 

It is a good time to get some candy bar election stuff done though. We're going to do our debates this week and open voting next week. We made our tally board and got it up to keep track of delegates. 

Meanwhile, Calib and Peyton were hired about a week ago now (is that it? It feels like a month ago!) at the new trampoline gym by our house that was supposed to open at the end of the month. Now, were just on a "we'll let you know when orientation is, it might be awhile" holding pattern. But, I don't mind so much. I'd hate them going to jobs right now. They did have to go in today to fill out paperwork though,so when they returned I made them wash their hands for way more than 20 seconds. Calib was then like 'why are you taking my picture' and I was like 'I haev to document our day!

Hayden and I put Disney plus on a lot in the background whenever we're in the front room, because it keeps the dogs from barking at ever single noise outside (and these days there are a lot of noises outside with everyone taking walks and kids riding bikes all over the place). Poor Etta is having a hard time with it. And don't even get me started on how she feels about the kids screaming and making noise in their backyards. 

Speaking of backyards, we've got some squash, zuchini and beans coming! So that's exciting. 

We had Nancy Reagan Mac and Cheese for dinner, again another Monday staple. And I'd like to say the lightsaber shenanigans are because we're bored being couped up. But no, that's also a pretty normal occurance. 

We did check off a couple boxes on our Coronavirus Bingo today. Trading halted on the stock market, and sadly Wrestlemania in Tampa got canceled. Calib, Asa, and Hayden are so upset about it, but not surprised. So long for the superbowl of wrestling being in our hometown, and so much for their tickets they got as Christmas presents. Instead it's being held without fans, which is so dumb. But hey, at least we got closer to a bingo, right? 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": The remaining brownies, and the last of the strawberries. Goodbye fresh berries.

Toilet paper supply: Still Abundant, how much do you think we go through?

Current binge wathing obession: Finished The Morning Show last night, moving on to something new tonight. Leading candidates include Atlanta, the Mindy Project, and Jack Ryan.

Most popular game: Stardew Valley and now we're off to play some Mario Kart

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. So far so good.

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 3

Days Down: 3

Days Remianing: Undetermined.

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