Monday, February 28, 2022

Closing Out February

Last day of February over here, since sadly it's not a Leap Day. (You know how I love a good Leap Day) Anyway, I figured I'd package up the last of the month in a quick blog, though there isn't much to tell. Since the Olympics ended a week ago, and then we had President's Day, we've been pretty low key ever since. 

Hayden and I are continuing on with our Black History Spotlight. We did Benjamin Banneker last week.. 

And Gabriel Prosser.. I made him a little sword by wrapping one of those little cocktail ones in foil and cutting it down to size. 

Peyton passed his first class of his new term in three weeks flat. Impressive. But, it was Geography, and as soon as he passed it (with flying colors) he was talking about how he should have taken it sooner. But, he did get his Taco Bell to celebrate. 

With no more Olympic meals, we also got around to a request Hayden made for his birthday: Asa's Five Guys Burgers. He makes them pretty spot on, and even does the fries. Hayden wanted that for his birthday meal, before my mom offered to buy him dinner, so I told him we could have them at a later date. 

Hayden also took his PERT Exam last week. It's basically his college admission exam to PHSC (Pasco-Hernando State College). He passed it with flying colors, even testing out of the basic classes. I knew he would. But then, when he was taking the test, I realized he hasn't taken a standardized test- maybe, ever? I don't know if he had to do any in kindergarten and first grade, but that was the only time he was in a traditional classroom. Still, proof you don't have to take the usual route to get where you want to be. 

Anyway, his first college classes (as a dual enrolled home schooler) start on the 14th. Which means, besides Black History and a couple of other things we've been doing, like Finer Things Club, we're all done with the bulk of Home school work. So, we decided it was time to clean out the Ikea booksehlf/cubby situation that has been called "Home School Central" for ten years. 

It's kind of sad in a way, but you know, things change. And thats ok. Onward and Upward. The boys all do still have one cubby. Calib and Peyton use it to put their stuff for school in theirs- so they can keep track of where their books and notebooks are, and Hayden has one for his college books and one full of his drawing and writing notebooks. Other than that, it's been turned over to more of a Crafting Center for me, complete with my Cricut stuff, some sewing stuff, and all my artsy stuff. Some of my books are there too. 

I even repurposed Hayden's old craft tackle box to make it into a little peg person tackle box for me, and our Black History Stars. I told Asa I was going to put a headlamp in there so I could be like the guy in Toy Story 2 who comes in with his bag and fixes up Woody. 

This weekend, however, was really weird. I didn't know what to do with no Olympics and no Football. Sundays are weird without football. Instead, Calib and Asa played Madden ALL day, and that's so not the same thing. 

To make it up to me, and to get some of the $4 for 10 plants at Lowes, Asa and I ran out, and I was rewarded with All You Can Swirl. It's been a minute. (Also, free coffee is back at Panera!) 

Now supposedly in a couple weeks, my mom is coming to visit, so we've been eating out of the freezer in an effort to defrost before she arrives and inevitably takes us to Costco. Apparently we had a ton of crescent rolls that Asa turned into desserts. 

The good news is, I think my mom might actually come to visit this time. Cases are finally low again! 

Which also, hopefully means Peyton's going to the UK in a couple weeks. Fourth times a charm! It's weird, we actually have things back on the calendar! 

Speaking of which, I flipped the calendar over to March, a few hours early. 

And I've already picked up the Paczki's for Fat Tuesday tomorrow. 

And thats it- told you nothing too exciting. I leave you with dog pictures. 


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