Sunday, May 3, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 51

Quick blog tonight, because I'm off soon to play Moving Out. It's an infuriating, yet totally fun game we discovered yesterday. 

Also yesterday, date night in the hammock, until the mosquitos got to be too much. 

This morning Asa served me coffee fancy like, since he saw Bobby Axelrod serve fancy french press coffee last night on Billions. 

It's Sunday so we did our usual 10 mile loop today. 

And then we used our leftover Blaze ingredients to make some naan bread pizzas for lunch. 

We also had a TON of bees on the coffee plant today, and since it is right up against the screen you could watch the little guys pollinate close up. It was fascinating. We were also visited by our humming bird for the second day in a row. 

We have recently discovered Costco is selling 12 packs of Jones soda, so the boys held a snake draft to pick out which flavors they would get. (In order it went Asa first, Hayden, Calib, then Peyton- in case we check back to switch up the order next time). Everyone was pretty happy with what they got. 

We also spent some time in the pool today. I do miss the pool, but we're making do with the backyard one. I still get plenty of sun back there. 

Asa also thoughtfully put together a little Disney magic today. He made a small bowl of French Poutine, got me out my ears and magic band and then we watched a Spaceship Earth walkthrough. 

For dinner we were going to have pork nachos, but we thought it'd be even better with chips and queso from Capital Tacos as the base. It arrived the same time we got some Amazon packages. 

And now everyone is sitting around watching Moana, and watching Peyton play Animal Crossing. I think everyone is waiting on me for some more Moving Out too. 

We're all having a decent day here. 

But here's the situation. Tomorrow Florida starts to open. Restaurants can open their doors, Libraries can reopen. Parks. Marinas. And life will slowly return to normal. But I'm still concerned. I don't feel like I know how this will be much different. Where's the plan for testing and contact tracing? So, because we have the luxury to continue to social distance, we will keep on keeping on. Knowing that if there is a spike in the cases, we won't see it for weeks is not exactly reassuring. 

So this next month is almost worse. Nobody is telling me I have to stay home. I COULD go out. I COULD go to places that are opening. But, I have to choose not too. And that's harder. The plan right now (barring Flying Squirrel opening and Calib and Peyton having to go to work), is to keep staying home as much as possible until June 1. Calib would like to go to the beach for his 20th birthday. So that's the goal: the beach on the 1st of June. 

Current binge watching obsession: Billions, and  Afterlife still- but tonight is the finale of Zoey's so we will probably watch that. 

Most popular game: Animal Crossing is on a big kick with the boys today. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 2. Between all the fun stuff and finishing things up for James Monroe's birthday today I've been busy. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 30. No new ones today. But we did watch Robin Hood, Winnie the Pooh, and Sword in the Stone today off our Disney list. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and four take out trips (Capital Tacos, 2 PDQ, and a Blaze DIY Pizza Kit) Does Panera count as a store or take out trip?

Grocery Deliveries: 8  (4 Costco, 4 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 7 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds, Capital Tacos and 2 Wawa)

How many times we've walked the loop: 34. None today. Just the bike ride. 

Days Down: 51

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But probably 28 more. That's how far we are from June 1st. 

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