Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 67

I missed yesterdays blog, but there isn't a ton to get you caught up on. 

We did an afterlunch walk of the loop, and found two gators. 

I've got over half of my sunflowers blooming! 

With more on the way. 

And we held our 4th Chess Club of Quarantine. The library is officially open, but still no events, obviously. We decided to do it tournament style, especially since Peyton refused to take part. 

So I played Asa, and Peyton played Calib. 

Calib and Asa were the winners, so they played in the winner's bracket. While Hayden and I played each other in the loser's bracket. 

Asa and I won, which resulted in Calib and Hayden moving up to Fight Club status. 

Other than that, it was a pretty boring day. I got a ton of work done on Truman's birthday, and it's all set up for tomorrow. And then I hung out with Calib. (Note: Hayden dying of boredom on Calib's bed. 

Calib tried to return the favor last night by refusing to leave our room. 

Lets check in on our Disney Movie Challenge. It's been awhile. 

And that's it for yesterday.

Most popular "hurricane snacks": We finished off the dirt. Ice cream sandwiches also seem in high demand. 

Current binge watching obsession: Finished Upload last night. 

Most popular game: NCAA. All day. All the time. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 6ish. I got stuff done yesterday but I was bored doing it. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 36. Once yesterday while I was working on Truman stuff. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 53. Just once yesterday. It's getting too hot to take Ellie on the loop in the morning, so my count is going to drop. She still goes for a walk, but it's a little less than a mile instead of just over. We walk to the park, go around the block and come home. 

Days Down: 67.

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But we've got 12 more days of this until Calib's birthday and we're going to try and got out then (to the beach, while practicing social distancing of course).

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