Friday, May 15, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 61 & 62

We've passed the 2 month mark (we started our Social Distancing on March 14th), and I have not had the best couple of days. I'm starting to struggle with the risk vs. reward aspect of going out. This is like, life now. So, I have to figure out what I'll deem "necessary", which I've always hated. I hate when I or someone or whatever wants to buy something, but someone says you don't "need" that. Well, of course I don't. I don't NEED much. Food, shelter, you know. The basics. 

I don't NEED to go out. I could literally stay in my house for the next couple years. Walk the loop. Order my groceries. Hang out with the family. But like, for mental sanity, and just living your life, is that feasible? 

So here's the thing. I know some people have thrown their hands up. It's too hard to stay home, so they go into crowded spaces, refuse to wear a mask, and have the attitude "If I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it." This freaks me out. I don't want it. I don't want my family to get it. And I worry about Asa's past history with asthma if he were to get it. 

So, there has to be somewhere inbetween right? Something between I'll stay in my house until there's a vaccine (which people say could take a year to 18 months, but I'm thinking that might be the equivalent of when like, Disney said they were closing for two weeks. That's best case scenario to keep people from freaking out, but it also might not be feasible.) 

I would like to know risks. Like, obviously if I go to an uncrowded beach, find my own spot, enjoy some time in the sun, and go home. That has to be low risk. Busier beach, larger risk. I get that. All of that has to be better than going into a crowded indoor mall. Right? Like, if I have to go to a mall, I'm better to hit the outdoor outlet mall, than somewhere inside, right? But how bout someone comes up with categories. Some guidance here.  I want like numbers. Data. I'll even take a red, yellow, green scale of low risk, medium risk, high risk things to do. Some are obvious. But like, some are more grey areas. And I think to live for the foreseeable future, we're going to have to look into those grey areas eventually. It can't just be stay home forever, or run wild. The problem I keep hitting though, is outside. In Florida. In the summer. 

Our pool is opening soon. Reservation only, and capacity held to like 40%. They're going to take temperatures too, which I still want to know if that seems necessary. It seems like the equivalent of having to take your shoes off at the airport. One idiot tries to bomb a plane with shoes, and now we all have to take our shoes off. I mean, that'll only catch the person that goes somewhere while feeling crappy (and they should know better than that, right?) And you're contagious before you have symptoms, if you have them at all, right? I don't know. I guess it doesn't hurt. But, it seems like false security to me. But, what do I know. 

Anyway, that's been my struggle the last couple days. Not that I'm considering doing any of those things now. But, I'm trying to think ahead. We have birthdays, and anniversary, and things all upcoming. Ugh. Plus, I have cramps, and I'm grumpy anyway. I've firmly been on Fight Club since Tuesday evening. 

But, that isn't to say we haven't had our bright spots. So lets move on to that. Asa picked some ghost peppers, and made some really spicy salsa with them. We have WAY too many ghost peppers. Not sure what we're going to do with all of them. 

Wednesday was the Survivior Finale for Winners at War, Season 40.  (Spoilers!) Tony ended up winning, who we were all rooting for in a wild finale that I loved so much. This season was awesome. Like a Survivor Superbowl! 

To celebrate, we decided to hold a Survivor Food auction for dinner. So, we got various foods and put them under the dishes to reveal at auction. 

And the boys all had envelopes and money for bidding. 

They love the Survivor Food Auction (we've played this a few times over the years). 

Now the first couple items were like an ice cream cookie sandwich, and I whipped up some pudding dirt, and Asa offered up one of his Jones Sodas. But, we also ordered some Fast Food from Uber Eats and had it delivered (which they didn't realize). This was the moment they realized we had ordered take out. 

Then things got a little more intense. For weeks they've been talking about Wendy's and Taco Bell, whereas I'm like 'if I'm spending the money to get take out, I do not want those.' But when I unveiled various burritos, chips and cheese, burgers and nuggets, they were really excited about it. 

So there you have it, our Survivor Food Auction. 

In other news, we keep getting an ant hill in front of the screen door. So, we tried a pinterest remedy of making a baking soda and vinegar volcano. It didn't work. But it was fun to watch. 

While outside, lets do a garden check. Sunflowers are coming along! 

And my cucumbers are doing well. I need to eat them faster. They're growing quicker than I eat them. 

We've still had some hot but breezy, low humidity days. They are numbered for sure. 

And to make me feel better last night, Asa made me a No Way Jose. I miss Disney food. 

Yesterday was a garden harvest day, and I saw the very first specks of yellow on my sunflowers. 

Plus, my hibiscus is blooming in my pond again. It looks so pretty! 

Calib was able to register for summer classes over the phone, which is exciting since duel enrolled students have always had to enroll in person. With all online classes, he has more options. He's got Statistics and a Humanities class, but he's hoping to switch out for Spanish on purge day. He can only take two classes as a duel enrolled student in the summer. But, then he'll just be 11 credit short for his associates. 

Over in Hayden's school work, things have been a little lax as of late. But we are keeping up with the Candy Bar election. So we filmed an update there. 

Reese's has been announced as the presumptive nominee for the Chocolate Party. Nobody is within 800 delegates of Reese's and there's only 600 chocolate delegates left to dish out. 

We did determine my laptop could work as a teleprompter instead of printing out cue cards though. 

But Calib is still terrible at reading them either way. I don't know what happens to him when you turn on the camera, but he just gets really, really weird. 

In other news, we placed a Costco order yesterday, and worked on a Publix cart to be delivered sometime today. But, this is how we grocery shop now. Asa connects the laptop to the TV and everyone comes and shouts about what they want. 

And then you just put your feet up and watch your person shop. Then it appears on your doorstep. Crazy, right? 

In other news, things are getting a little squirrely here. 

Hayden and I tried out the thing we saw on Twitter, where you play tic-tac-toe with your cats by placing treats and seeing which one's the grab. 

(spoiler: Dipper is terrible at tic-tac-toe. He lost to Mabel and Hayden- twice). 

And then he terrorized Etta while he tried to come back in the door and she was sitting in front of it. 

Calib say a thing on Reddit where you draw something on someone's back and they try and draw the thing you are. 

But nobody was very good at it. (Asa and I were the best, though). 

Last night for dinner we had waffle fries and Chick-fil-a nuggets. Apparently they have them frozen at Sam's Club. We don't have a membership there, but our neighbor does, and she told us about them and then picked them up for us. 

And then last night, I gave out haircuts and Hayden decided his long hair was just getting too hot, so I got to shave it off. Fun! 

I leave you with an Etta picture. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": No Way Jose! It's an ice cream sundae knockoff from Beaches N Cream at Disney's Beach Club Resort. Basically a hot fudge, peanut butter sundae. 

Current binge watching obsession: Still working on Billions. About to finish season 3. 

Most popular game: Asa, Calib, Hayden and I are getting really pretty good at Moving Out. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 7. The last couple days were rough. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 33. Once yesterday. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 50. Haven't walked it in two days. That might be part of my issue. But, I haven't been feeling well either. 

Days Down: 62.

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But probably 17 more. That's how far we are from June 1st, which is Calib's birthday, and he's hoping to go to the beach. So now the question remains once we go back out do I still blog everyday. Do I switch to weekly social distancing journals? Do I stop with them, assuming this is the new normal? 

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