Saturday, May 23, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Days 69, 70 & 71

It's been a minute since I updated. First of all, I've been a little depressed the last few days. The heat has arrived. Walks are no longer pleasant. Instead you come back dripping in sweat. Two days ago was the first time that the Google Home now answers the "what's the temperature outside" question with the actual temperature and then follows up with "due to the current humidity, the current feels like temperature is... (insert something nearing or at 100 degrees). And usually I'm like, well, it's summer. We limit our time out to pools and cooling towel activities. At the very least we swing by the pool daily to lower our body temperatures which makes the rest of the day much more pleasant. But, add a face mask, temperature checks, and reservations to all those things, and they lose a lot of their appeal.

So, I'm depressed. I'm feeling cooped up. And, on top of that, I'm getting increasingly upset about our anniversary. As much as I try to say we'll make the best of it, I'm wildly annoyed at how unfair this is. And I know, I know, it's not like we're facing financial ruin from this thing, and we're all safe and healthy. But, it still blows. Like it BLOWS. Disney hasn't cancelled our reservation yet. But, they have cancelled up until June 13th. And ours is the 14th. And then even if they ARE open, it won't look like Disney-Disney. So, ugh. Just annoying. 

Let me see, what has happened in the world of note. Universal announced they're opening June 5th. (3-4th to passholders). Florida is edging close to 50,000 cases. We're like 600 off. The US stands at 1.65 million cases, and we're nearing ever closer to 100,000 deaths (96,920). Remember when we heard that we could have 100,000 deaths and everyone freaked out? Now, here we are. Earlier than predicted even. And it seems like it's same old same old. We're becoming desensitized, which I think is exactly what the White House wants. 

I guess in good news the CDC says Coronavirus doesn't spread easily on surfaces. And there's more talk about what is low-risk activities outside your house. (I'm still having a hard time of risk vs. reward- I mean I don't HAVE to go out.) Outdoors, staying 6 feet away from people and you should be fine. 

So, what have we been up to here over the last few days? You know, a little of this, a little of that. 

We celebrated Harry Truman's birthday a bit late. (It was May 8th) Amazon isn't selling a bunch of presidential shirts I had my eye on anymore, so I gave up and bought a donkey and an elephant to interchange depending on the candidate. I'll have to figure out the early guys when I get to them (although I do have some shirts that will work). 

We got a Publix order delivered. Turns out they have Mickey Ice Cream sandwiches and they are BOGO! 

Speaking of Mickey, the one puzzle we ordered weeks ago finally arrived. It was the only one in stock at the Disney Shop. 

And turns out this one is IMPOSSIBLE. We've been on it for three days and have maybe 30 percent of it done. 

Asa and I walked the loop on Thursday around sundown, trying to go when it was at least a little cooler. 

Where we came across a cat that insisted on being pet (we thoroughly washed our hands when we got home), and a young adult crane. 

Yesterday, after morning bathroom time, I came out to find these guys waiting for their walk. It's too hot for them to go very far, but luckily our street is pretty shaded if we just stick to it. It's just over half a mile, so not nearly as long as usual, but in the heat that's fine for them. Also, PSA if you're walking give the right of way to people with little kids or dogs and go out into the street. Some lady crossed right before I came up to her, and Ellie and I had to walk in the street (and you need to be careful about that and only have puppy paws walk in the street where it's been in the shade). 

Etta, meanwhile, was terrified, storms or something. 

On our afternoon walk we found one lone baby gator. 

And we had date night watching Pixar Shorts and having some Lobster Ravioli, and the last couple coconut shrimp. 

Let's talk drinks during quarantine. You're going to need your coffee, and your alcohol. And your water. All of those. On repeat. Over and over again. 

I was feeling down yesterday, but then it started to rain. The afternoon thunderstorms have come for us. But, I proposed we go play in the rain (before the thunder and lighting of course). 

I got Asa and Hayden to go along with it. 

It was our fun thing for the day. 

That and the puzzle we are still working on. And the Civ 5 games that are going on these days. 

We're back at the puzzle today. 

But Calib and Hayden are on a mission to watch ALL the Harry Potter movies in one day. They got up at 7 am, and our currently on Goblet of Fire. They totaled up the run time. It's just about 20 hours. 

In other news, Asa's new phone arrived a few days early. Yay! 

And I've got TONS of sunflowers now. 

I'm also convinced the lemons are getting less green. Right? RIGHT? I want homemade lemon shake ups SO bad! 

And we made one more walk around the loop, dodging the rain. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Sandwiches! 

Current binge watching obsession: Finished Afterlife last night. Still have more Billions to watch. 

Most popular game: Civ 5

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 6. I'm not super into watch the Harry Potter movies, and the puzzle has me defeated. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: Firmly at 36. None in the last few days. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 57. Once a day is probably going to be the new goal. But, we'll see. I'll miss my three times around the loop. 

Days Down: 71. 7 weeks and one day. That's bananas. 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But we've got 8 more days of this until Calib's birthday and we're going to try and got out then (to the beach, while practicing social distancing of course)

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