Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 19

It finally happened you guys, Florida, more specifically Ron DeSantis, FINALLY issued a stay at home order. It goes into effect on Friday, and it'll last for 30 days. I'm just glad we're finally doing something. I fear it's way late, but we'll see. Someone posted Florida's curve alongside New Yorks, and ours, obviously isn't nearly as bad. But, apparently we've tested way less people. So there is that. 

We crossed 200,000 cases today in the US, nearing 8,000 I belive in Florida (another 1,000 today), and we sadly crossed the 100 deaths in Florida. Things will get worse, before they get better, I know. Even "optimistic" Trump says so. (That's how the White House is phrasing it now, he wasn't downplaying anything, he was simply being optimistic, you guys!) 

It's April now, so time to change the calendar! We don't have a lot on it. Four President's Birthdays, and Easter. But, I have decided every day we'll write down one fun thing we did that day, and at the end of the 30 days we can be like, look how much fun we had being  at home! 

So, I turned the calendar, goodbye March that was full of promise, but none of it really happened. 

And hello April, which will be similar. 

But, I was greeted with Etta rolling around on my bed this morning. She's just happy to be here. We all need to be more like Etta. 

And I did have a pile of puppie for my morning coffee, plus Asa didn't have calls this morning, so he was able to take them on a walk with me. It's much more fun when I have someone to go with! 

Today, however, was a store day. Our neighbor gave me some gloves that I wore, I took lysol wipes and hand sanitizer with me, and I remembered to recycle all my plastic bags (I was pround of myself for that one). I used to make lists on my phone (as to not unneccesarily use paper), but these days I try to not get my phone out while I'm at the store. Germs, you know? 

I did snap a picture before going in. Such anxiety over grocery shopping. Publix ads run Thursday thru Wednesday, and Thursday had been my shopping day, but there were a few things in the ad I was hoping to get, so I went on Wednesday. Well, that was totally useless, because basically anything I had on my list that was BOGO was all out. In fact, this might be the worst shape I've seen a store since I started shopping. 

I was doing some shopping for a neighbor, who asked for cream of celery and cream of mushroom soup. There were only cream of bacon, and a few cream of mushroom left. Do people use that much "cream of" soups? I was shocked. It used to be you could get basically whatever you wanted, but you might not get the brand you wanted, or what was on sale. But this time around whole catagories of food were out. Frozen potatoes/fries/hashbrowns? Notta. The whole case with frozen chicken, gone. No eggs. You could still snatch up some lima beans or mixed veggies if you wanted, but broccoli was not a thing to be found.  There were signs about every 15 feet saying "buy only what you need, leave some for others" , and there were  limits on lots of things: milk, eggs (if they had had any), and even protein in the meat department. Yes, you could only get two proteins. Crazy. There wasn't anything in the way of paper products, toilet paper- that I saw anyway, the asile looked baren, and I didn't go down it. But, I've been trying to get my hands on hydrogen peroxcide for weeks, because I regularily use it. Still no luck there. Lots of people were wearing gloves, some were wearing masks, and people did a good job of staying six feet away. I was there about half an hour, and they made two announcements telling you to stay six feet away from others. There's tape lines at the checkout to keep you six feet apart and there is plexiglass in front of the cashiers now. 

When I got home I went through the lysol wiping down of everything, and washing my hands and wiping down the counters. And then it was lunch time! Asa made us eggs florintine, and we ate outside. 

Because the weather is SO NICE today! It might be the last day with a high in the 70s until October/November. We'll have a few low 80 days over the next couple weeks, with low humidty (still no rain- and it never rained last night, so we went the whole month of March without a drop). Also, did anyone else's weather app update with a coronavirus report? 

So today, our fun thing was taking home school outside in the "Reading tent" 

We also changed Word Wall Wednesday into Word Game Wednesday and we played that outside. 

I picked a ton of green beans for dinner. But something is eating my squash. We think it might be squirrels. I have a bunch today, but they'll be gone tomorrow. 

And it isn't as if the plants themselves are being eaten. No, they're totally thriving! 

Jake called today, and was like 'who in your house is playing stardew valley right now? Apparently Hayden and Asa are working on some sort of cabin for him now. 

We all ate dinner outside too, since it was so nice outside. The green beans were awesome by the way. 10 minutes on each side and they are perfect. 

The guys went out to play basketball, and I hung out in my backyard tent and watched Disney Food Blog videos. When they were done, they came out too (note Hayden in the hammock, and Etta chewing on a stick). There are worse places to be "Stuck". 

Image may contain: 1 person, tree, grass, outdoor and nature

So now I'm back inside, doing my daily social distancing blog, watching Asa play Stardew Valley, and waiting for Survivor to come on. It's merge night! I would have looked forward to new episodes of Survivor this season anyway, but now it's like a highlight of my week. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Peyton is eating Trix cereal out of the container as I write. 

Current binge watching obession: Ozark! Things are getting crazy you guys. But tonight, the Challenge comes back, so I'm not sure we'll get to it tonight. 

Most popular game: Upwords, Bananagrams, Boggle! It was Word Game Wednesday people!

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. Today really flew by. But, I didn't do anything all that productive. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 13.5 No new watch throughs today, we spent most of the day outside. 

Trips to the store: 3, and one take out trip (there's talk of trying to do takeout PDQ this weekend, though)

Days Down: 19

Days Remianing: Undetermined. But at least 30 more! 

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