Monday, April 20, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 38

Mondays! I love Mondays these days! 

In good news, I've read like five articles over the last week about how great this social distancing is for animals around the world. Sea turtles are thriving, with their nests being undisturbed, and no lights from traffic to confuse the hatchlings! Lions are lounging on roads in Africa, and Bears are being sighted more frequently in Yellowstone. 

In other news, Ohio announced today they're closing schools for the rest of the year (that's a bingo square!). Not welcome news for Cort and his family, but they knew it was coming. Georgia, on the other hand, announced they'll be opening back up gyms, salons, bowling alleys.. stuff like that on Friday.  South Carolina and Tennessee are doing some things like that too. So, we'll see how that goes. 

Over here, I'm just going about my usual Monday business. 

Ellie and I did the loop this morning, quickly, because a storm was brewing (it was windy!) 

Sidewalk chalk is becoming a thing of the past, but I did come across this ray of sunshine on my morning walk. 

The park has a new sign up though. 

The garden is doing well, all kinds of tomatoes today. 

And I have some flowers blooming. 

I scooted all my plant pots out into the yard to get rained on this morning. We had some storms! 

We decided to put chili in the slow cooker for dinner. Turns out we didn't have corn though, so we picked through a bag of frozen veggies. Desperate times! You can't just be running to the store for every little things these days. (Or, anything really. Delivery is the way to go if at all possible). 

Asa and I did find time to watch a little Last Week Tonight this morning too. His show is so weird without an audience. But, all the late night guys have interesting formats now. They're all working with what they've got (and Jimmy Fallon has some cute kids!) 

Hayden and I did some candy bar election tallying today. 

In case you're wondering, here is how everyone stands today. 

And then for Art class today I put up a gallery of famous paintings....

And Hayden used his art book to identify each of them. 

He labeled them all, so it was a proper art museum. 

Then we opened our art museum up to visitors. Delano was a fan. 

He seemed to very much enjoy his trip to the museum. 

Moresby also got to visit the museum, albeit, mostly in his ball. 

That's all I have from here. Hayden and I are watching Walle, and we finished up Hunchback of Notre Dame earlier. So, we checked another two movies off our Disney Challenge. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks":  Moroccan Orange Cake round 2

Current binge watching obsession: Just Disney Movies today. 

Most popular game: Skyrim, and anything on Peyton's laptop, because he got his part for it today and it's back up and running. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 4. I did ok today, but I'm a little restless this evening. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 27, none today. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 3 (1 Costco, 2 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 2 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's)

How many times we've walked the loop: 18

Days Down: 38

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 11 more.

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