Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 33

I don't even know where the US numbers are at anymore. Because when the numbers get that high, it just all kinds of melds into "it's a fricken lot". Ok. Just checked, 640,000 in the US. Florida is at 22,500. So yes, a fricken lot. 

I hear tomorrow we'll be given some new guidelines from the White House, so yay. But also some governors and mayors are saying things like mass gatherings, think things like football games, concerts, and hopefully not-but-probably- Amusement parks, won't likely happen until 2021. Cedar Point already announced Season Passes will be good for 2020 AND 2021, which is great for us, since we had them for next season and I was just telling everyone I don't know how comfortable I'd feel traveling to Ohio this summer. But, the thought of not going to Disney for that long is heartbreaking. I've had dreams for years about doing the Wild Africa Trek on our 10th Anniversary, but we are two months away from my check in date. In fact, fastpasses open for us tomorrow morning. *Sigh* 

Sometimes I wonder what life will be like in months- or a year. How will we look back on this? Was it just a blip or has it been like, life, on and off for that long? So I thought maybe every once in awhile I should post the news of the day. See how it all holds up! 

But you know, one day at a time. 

So this morning Asa was around to dog walk with me. Ellie was a slow poke though. 

And then we did some gardening. Check out our harvest today: a bunch of green beans, some radishes, a green pepper, and some serano peppers, plus two zucchini! 

And my swamp hybiscus has a flower! 

I folded laundry this morning, and watched some morning shows. But man, it's awkward and weird over Skype. 

Hayden and I decided to build a mini golf course today to keep us entertained. I made a windmill, because what mini gold course is complete without one? 

I thought it was impressive. 

My second hole featured blocks, and a water feature that you had to bypass by taking the ramp. 

Hayden had an action figure themed hole. 

And one that ended in a cave. 

So then we played a couple rounds. 

And I came out the winner. 

We also got Asa to play on a break from calls. 

He ended up winning, naturally. 

Eventually we got Calib to play too. 

We also filmed a candy bar election update, it's on Facebook if you haven't seen it. It's kind of amazing, so check it out. Here's a little behind the scenes look for you. 

It did rain this evening for a bit, and cool way down. We even got a little thunder, but it was gone by this evening, so we did our usual after dinner loop walk. 

And then I gave Asa a hair cut, which isn't Coronavirus specific, but still. I was accomplished today. I also ordered us a new refrigerator. We're getting one for the garage for now, until we get a whole new kitchen package once this all calms down a little- and in the meantime, if ours gives out, we have a back up. 

A check in on bingo for you. If Florida extends it's stay at home order, we've got bingo. 

Our fun calendar for you. 

And here's how our Movie Challenge is going. Today we checked Inside Out off the list. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Macaroons! 

Current binge watching obsession: So we started Tiger King. I just feel like I'm not really doing coronavirus quarantine right if I don't watch it. 

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley with Jake, all day, everyday. (Happening right now!) 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. I was busy today! Calib, however, was having a meltdown this evening about how bored he was. It's closing in on a month since he left the subdivision, and it's getting to him. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 23.5  We're watching it as a write, but we won't get through the whole thing. Survivor is on tonight

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ) I did place an order for Publix, which will be here tomorrow. 

Food Delivery Nights: 1 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell) 

How many times we've walked the loop: 14, once around this evening. 

Days Down: 33.  *Sigh* 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 16 more. 

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