Monday, April 13, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 31

Thirty one days, you guys. Just take a second on that one. THIRTY-ONE days. It's been a minute since life was normal. 

So whats going on in the world? The US is at 582,000 cases. But, some models say we're at the peak death rate today. But for Florida, things are not great. Today was the first day in Miami they opened drive thru testing for the masses: rather, anyone showing symptoms or who had been in contact with a positive case. Previously it had just been if you were over 65 or a health care worker/first responder. They had 400 tests and they blew through them, the line of cars going around the block that were there when they opened weren't even all able to be tested. (And this is after they heavily promoted it being open.) This is on the day Florida passed 20,000 cases. Hillsborough county is issuing a curfew, while Pinellas considers opening beaches and pools at condos. 

And wait, did Trump just do something stupid at his press conference? Something about airing propaganda, a commerical for Trump's campaign with tons of false and misleading info. Apparently CNN and MSNBC cut away from it. This is all just so Trump.  

There's lots of talk now about "opening up" the country, whatever that means. Again, Trump didn't shut ANYTHING down. He can't open ANYTHING back up. I did hear he formed a task force with Ivanka, Jared, and a bunch of other idiots. I'm just grateful nobody in my house is forced going into work somewhere if it's not safe just because Trump is a moron. Anyway, some states are forming their own little alliances to see about trying to return to some sense of normalcy. I am no expert, but in my head, I'm like, if there is no vaccine, and no plan for mass testing how is it going to be any different than it was when it all shut down? 

But, you know, gotta control what I can. Thus, day 31. 

Monday's are easier. I know what to expect. Asa works, I get stuff done around the house, school work with Hayden. You know the drill. 

He did have a break in student calls long enough to go on an after lunch walk with me. 

Some Happy sidewalk chalk today. 

The gator pond was totally empty though. We did later see a bigger one swimming in a bigger pond. But one gator sighting is a little disappointing. 

When we got back around to home, our neighbor flagged us down to give us some flowers, and spread a little cheer. Thanks Teresa! 

They brighten the house, which is nice in times like these when you're always at home. 

Plus, we might not have moved the TV back after yesterday. I think it might stay for at least a while, anyway, you know, during quarantine. 

In other flower news, I have TWO flowers on orchid blooming

Also worth noting, on my memories on Facebook this came up today. The irony. (This is from when Asa had Influenza B two years ago, and I couldn't go in my room for like three weeks). 

No photo description available.

Today was a presidential birthday. Those are extra fun these days, because it means there's lots to do! 

I was so excited about it, I set my clothes out the night before, like a kid really excited for spirit day at school or something. 

But you guys, it is Thomas Jefferson's birthday, which makes it even more fun! You get so many cameos. Of course you have the presidential race between the only two presidents to sign the Declaration of Independence. 

Aaron Burr shows up for Tammany Hall. 

So of course, you get Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton too! 

The Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark make appearances. 

Of course, we get Freedom of Speech from TJ. So long Sedition Act. 

And he fights off Pirates, and for the first time, and American flag is raised on foreign soil. 

And it all culminates to the three accomplishments on TJ's tomb stone (and TJ and John Adams both dying on the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence). 


Hayden also included A LOT in his picture for the day. 

And Thomas Jefferson spent a good five years in France, and loved the European food over there, he even brought a waffle iron back with him- it could have been the first one. So of course we had waffles for dinner! 

We had company for dinner too! 

Not only did my mom and Cort's family join us, but Clint and Jess even showed up. They don't have internet, but have a hotspot to use (they have to for work), so this is literally the first time I have ever video chatted with him from their house. 

We were trying to figure out the last time the 12 of us sat down for a meal together. We couldn't figure it out. It's been over a year, likely. (Asa is missing from the picture because he had to go back to calls)> 

Worth noting, we also had dinner in our pajamas, and slippers. It's what a casual guy like TJ would have wanted (he answered the door in his PJs and wore slippers to dinner!) 

We haven't voted on our Disney Bracket yet today. But I didn't post yesterdays, so here you go: 
In the Disney Springs division we'll have the Daily Poutine against Chicken Guy, and Polite Pig against the House of Blues Bread Pudding (mmmm... whiskey butter!) 

Also, here's you update on our April in Quarantine Calendar where we list something fun we do each day. It helps keep stuff in perspective. 

Just for fun, I'm throwing in this picture from last night. This is what happens nightly. You take a shower, put on your pjs, get tucked in all nicely. And Suddenly, Calib and Peyton have 9 million things to tell you. 

I am off to do my kettlebell exercises. I did not eat well this weekend, and then I had waffles tonight. Yikes. BUT, it was in honor of TJ and with my family, so it was a good time anyway. I leave you with Hayden being cozy in his living room tent. That's still a thing, because, why not? 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Everyone is still just  eating out of their Easter Baskets. 

Current binge watching obsession: We checked off Pocahontas, the Nightmare Before Christmas, and Mulan off our list today. Here's how that's coming: 

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley with Jake, all day, everyday. <---- p="" still="" this="">

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. Mondays have become my favorite day of the week. I have so much on my to-do list, and it offers me some normalcy. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 22, just finishing it up right now. Olaf is about to come back! 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

How many times we've walked the loop: 13, just one lunchtime one today. 

Days Down: 31. We've hit a month people. 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 18 more! Clint and Jess said they might go back before the end of the month. Yikes. 

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