Friday, April 17, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 35

Lets get the bad out of the way..
US Disappointments today: Dude, what even was Trump's Twitter account today? He was tweeting, "Liberate Michigan!", "Liberate Minnesota" and "Liberate Virignia" (although if you live in VA, you get the bonus of him telling you your second amendment right is under attack. Then he went on a tirade about governors needing to do more tests. But like, where are they supposed to get the tests? It seems like the administration, or at least Trump, is done giving a crap about this. And, like, isn't part of all of this contact tracing. And like, if there is no federal way to do that, are you just like trusting the states to handle it? ....  and will nobody come in from another state, with a different way to trace them? How is that going to work? Ugh. I need to give up Twitter for awhile. 

And then there's Florida, over 1,400 new cases today. The biggest single 24 hours of new cases we've ever had, after a relatively low amount the last couple days. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but like I was skeptical of those numbers the last couple days. A whole bunch of prisons are reporting cases, and the governor won't tell anyone which nursing homes have cases. Oh, and he allowed the Jacksonville beaches to open for exercise, I assume beaches can open whenever they want as a local situation, since he never technically closed them. I know Pinellas is thinking about opening them too. And, of course there's already pictures, and of course there's a ton of people out there. So, cool. We'll hit 25,000 cases tomorrow for sure here in Florida. 


This is all just so... American? Everyone is cool doing something for a hot minute, but they get restless easy. And then start complaining about their liberties being taken away. I get it. Especially if you've lost your job to this. This SUCKS. We're a household that has a sudden unemployment, through no fault of our own.  But, the rallies of people gathering to protest all of the closures is just bananas. I'm sorry. I try and see other people's points of views. But this isn't just about you. It's about who else you could get sick. Have some compassion, and some empathy. Stay home if you can. It's not that hard. (Ok, I'm ending my rant now). 

I missed a couple days ago when world wide we passed 2 million cases. But, the US is inching closer to 700,000 cases. And the last two days have seen over 4,000 deaths. 

Today's headlines all suck. 

So lets move on to happier stuff. 

Have you guys seen that Sesame Street is going to do a social distancing show? I want to see this! 

And while I'm lifting pictures, I might as well throw in pizza groundhog from yesterday! 

It was cooler this morning, so I took Ellie on a walk and we went on the whole loop. She was not having her picture being taken though. 

After lunch, Asa and I walked the Hawk Wind Trail Loop and saw two tiny little gators. These are the smallest we've seen so far! 

Remember how I told you guys about all the rocks we might have gotten from Connerton on Sunday? Well, today I worked on making a waterfall for my pond. I have my dads old little river and my waterfall, so I added them in combination. Now, we don't have the right tubing, and we're going to need a few more rocks (I want it to go over the top Waterfall, kind of hiding the whole thing. I also need to cut back my swamp hybiscus, because it's taken over my whole pond. It's a work in progress, but it is getting there. 

So after some hard, sweaty yard work, I put my feet up and watched Cinderella with Hayden (it's the only movie we checked off our list today. 

I'm extra missing Disney lately, so tonight we decided to throw a dessert party, like one of the one's you can go to at Disney (we never have though, they're PRICEY!) and "watch the fireworks" 

Hayden and I worked on making various desserts earlier in the day. We made regular cupcakes for frosting, and cinnamon roll ones to be topped with a powdered sugar glaze. 

We also made little portions of dirt! 

And then we put it all out with cookies and pies, macrons, and candy. 

For good measure we had some fruit, nuts, cheese, meat, and crackers. 

And I threw in a couple hidden Mickey's. 

The boys were not mad that this was what was for "dinner". 

We all gathered around "the castle" (ahem, TV) to watch Happily Ever After, the Fireworks show at Magic Kingdom. I actually have never seen it with the projections, because every time I've tried to watch it from in front of the castle the crowds were too much for my anxiety. So it was nice to see it. 

And, I put on my ears for the event. I'm not going to lie, it made me sad to watch it. I nearly wanted to cry. For real, I miss Disney an unhealthy amount. It's probably what I miss the most out of anything we can't do these days. 

And then, just to keep the party rolling, and for old times sake we also watched the Electrical Light Parade. 

And now, Hayden and I are watching Frozen II while everyone plays Star Dew Valley with Jake. Calib and Asa are video chatting from different rooms. And now Asa is arguing with Jake that Frozen II is a great movie (because it is.) 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Desserts! 

Current binge watching obsession: It's going to be a Tiger King kind of night. 

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley happens every single night with Jake.

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. For a Friday, I didn't do too bad today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 25.5 I think it will always be affectionately known in this house as the Coronavirus movie. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 3 (1 Costco, 2 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 1 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell)

How many times we've walked the loop: 17, twice today! I was going to see if anyone wanted to go for round three, but then Jake called. 

Days Down: 35. Think we'll hit 50? Probably. 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 14 more. On the one hand, I can't imagine that two weeks from now we should be going out, even a little bit. On the other hand, I can't imagine DeSantis extending our order. 

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