Saturday, April 11, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 29

Almost 19,000 cases in Florida. 20,000 is a bingo square. When I made it, I thought "maybe we'll never get there". But here we are. We'll hit it either tomorrow, or the next day. I don't know much else in the news today except the US now has the most deaths from Coronavirus than any other country. 

But I thought, maybe I should start talking about fun things from all of this. Ways we're adapting, you know? And not just us, but like, the country. Grocery and food delivery is a common thing these days. Lowes is packed (I should know, I ran in today for a few things), because all anyone can do is work on home improvement products. I've never seen so many vegetable plants in stock! I did not wear a mask, because I was just in the garden center, and I figured that's outside, so that should be ok. 

But there's also really fun things going on. Like all the animals in zoos/museums/aquariums that get to go on "field trips" and the Daily Show converting to the Daily Social Distancing Show. And then there was Jimmy Fallon and the roots playing "Don't Stand so close to me" with Sting on random instruments (including shoes, spoons and forks, a pot lid, and a connect four game) on zoom. Have you seen all the celebrities reading kids books? And now on the My Disney Experience App you can see Animation class! Tonight SNL is supposed to be doing something. I'm mostly hoping for a Weekend Update. You can do those from home! 

In other weird things news, Dipper licked and sniffed Ellie's ear for like five minutes. It was weird. 

Our fun thing today to add to the calendar goes to Finer Things Club. We're done (thankfully) with Catcher in the Rye. Holy crap did I hate that book. 

Hayden even wore his finer things club t-shirt though, which was fun. 

Like I said, I did run to Lowes today, and then we got PDQ again. They're still running bogo tender platters. Not much has changed out there. Gas is still hovering around $1.75 but the overpass over 75 is down to two lanes. They're going to have to finish that before we all get out of quarentine or it's going to take an hour to get through there, yikes! 

We did get some lady bugs to set free. We're hoping they stick around and help eat some aphids. 

Peyton of all people, came out to see the release. 

In tonight's bracket match up for Disney food Flame Tree BBQ and the Nomad Lounge won out for the Animal Kingdom, and the Grand Floridian Cafe will be going up against the Beaches and Cream No Way Jose. 

We played a game of Ticket to Ride tonight too. We didn't even count train points. I had like over 130 in destination cards and nobody else had over like 30. I smoked them. 

I just finished 39 glorious pages on Thomas Jefferson, and Asa, Calib, and Hayden are playing Stardew Valley with Jake, who is on Facetime with Asa, with a guest appearance by his roommate. 

That's all I've got for you. Frozen, and Beauty and the Beast got checked off the Disney Movie List checklist today (I didn't take a picture though). 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": PDQ tenders

Current binge watching obsession: I think we might start Tiger King. After all the talk about it, I feel like I'm not really experiencing quarantine without watching it. 

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley with Jake, yet again. There's talk of fish and bedtime, and farming. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 6. I got into a big funk after we tried to order a Disney puzzle at Barnes and Noble for pickup and they didn't have it. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 20, we made it halfway through tonight before they started up Stardew Valley

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos &  PDQ)) 

How many times we've walked the loop: 12, holding steady today. Tomorrow is our bike ride day, then Monday we'll be back at it. 

Days Down: 29 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 20 more! Disney fastpasses are available for May 3rd, I noticed today, when Florida's stay at home order ends. But, there's no way that happens. Right? 

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