Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 47

Florida came out with our phase one today. Starting Monday, some things will reopen. Retail and Restaurants at 25% capacity, and elective surgeries can begin again.  Libraries can open, but capacity at 25% and no events.  At least it's not much of a change. Basically, we're supposed to practice social distancing, limit gatherings to less than 10 people, and it's recommended you wear a mask. Since they're still encouraging people to stay home, and since our current shelter in place order of April 30th is technically getting extended until May 4th, we're going to check this off as "Florida extends stay at home order" and call BINGO!

Although, I suppose we could have crossed off Jared Kushner declares victory/claims it's under control

Really though, I'm worried. I have no idea whats going on in Florida. Like, it's a small step, so that makes me feel better. But, should we be doing any steps yet? I don't know. The Governor gets up there today and starts railing against the media for causing fear and hysteria, in true Trump fashion. He pulls up news articles about how we were predicted to be the next New York, and it never got that bad here. Meanwhile, my twitter feed is full of news articles (from reputable sources) and Florida is under reporting it's deaths. Testing is still nowhere near where experts say it needs to be to reopen. Does that man something? Doesn't it? I don't know anymore.

But you know what would be nice, if my governor or my president would be a bit more reassuring and a bit less arrogant. If I could hear from more of the Fauci's of the world than the DeSantis and Trump people, that would be great. We don't have our own Doctor Amy like Ohio has. In fact when Florida's surgeon general said we were going to have to have all these restrictions in place until a vaccine comes out, he got shuffled out and we haven't really heard from him since. Our cases aren't on a 14 day downward trajectory but DeSantis said Dr. Birx thinks it's fine for Florida to reopen.

I just don't know, so I am not going anywhere for like another month, so we can see whats happening as people start to go out. Maybe I'm alarmist, but I don't see how if we don't come up with an actual plan, that we're just not going to have an outbreak again. And maybe there is a plan, nationally, state wide. I don't know. But the fact that DeSantis is wasting time talking about how TV anchors, especially one's who are saying we shouldn't open back up, seem to be getting their hair cut when the rest of us can't. Like, I'm just annoyed at that. I don't feel confident. I want politicians to stop discrediting themselves by saying stupid things, so I can actually feel comfortable listening to them!

But, until that day, I'll just keep on keeping on, and waiting to see how things play out. Patience is a virtue, right? As much as we all want someone to tell us what exactly is going to happen and how we should deal with it, that's just not the reality. Nobody KNOWS. But the 'wait and see' approach does suck, especially for someone as anxiety ridden as me.

We crossed 33,000 cases in Florida today, and 1,200 people have died. The United States crossed 60,000 people dying as a result of Coronavirus today, a number some thought we wouldn't hit till August.

As far as our moods go today, we're all pretty middle of the road. Some of us are a little happier than others.

Asa was my morning walking buddy, and we took the three dogs- but had to cut the walk short because of Porkchop's barking at other dogs, and Phenom insisting he wanted to turn around and go home. Sorry Ellie, this is why I've just been taking her the last few days. 

About a month ago, Hayden and I decided we could finally tackle that t-shirt quilt he's been wanting to make, but we needed the iron on backing for the t-shirts (so it's not so stretchy and you can work with it easier). Amazon had it, but it would take like a month to get here. I almost didn't order it, thinking I wouldn't still be at home in a month. But, foolish me. We did order it though, and it came this week. Hayden cut apart some of his old favorites that don't fit him anymore, and we ironed on the backing. 

We also have so many peppers, Asa and Hayden decided they were going to try and make their own hot sauce. It's got to sit for awhile, so we'll let you know how it turns out. 

I spent my whole afternoon powerwashing. Legit, my armpits got sun burnt, because I spent so much time with my arms above my head trying to clean the screen and  back of the house. I even got my hammock, the fence- basically if it is in the backyard and it can be powerwashed, I power washed it. It's oddly satisfying. 

And then since I was dirty and yucky, I invited Asa and Hayden to run through the sprinkler with me in our clothes. We had a good time. It felt like childhood. All I needed was to drink from the hose, and eat a popsicle. 

I tried to get Calib to come out with us, but he complained about it saying he just showered. And, getting wet and dirty outside is not Peyton's thing. Peyton did notice I powerwashed though, and told me how nice it looked out on the patio. So, that was nice. 

After dinner (we had Rumplestilskin and fresh bread with guava butter- yum!) the guys played some basketball, and then Asa and I walked the loop. 

My forehead feels a bit sunburnt, but it's good I spent so much time outside today. We are in for some rain tomorrow. 

Current binge watching obsession: We picked back up on Billions, and sprung for the HBO/Showtime package with Spectrum so we could have all that stuff back. But, tonight is a Survivor night, so .

Most popular game: Hyrule Warriers is back today.

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 4. I got stuff done. But, like, there's other stuff I'd rather be doing.

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 29. Haven't watched it in a few days. It seems like a week, but everything is moving in slow motion these days.

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 6  (3Costco, 3 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 5 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds, and Wawa)

How many times we've walked the loop: 31. Once today.

Days Down: 47

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 4 more. But like, we're supposed to be staying at home, I think, after then. I don't know. I'll be here. For awhile.

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