Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 39

Let's talk about the big news of the day first, Gronk is a Buccaneer. I guess that's cool. I have mixed feelings. Plus, like, will the NFL really get to play this year? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe without any fans. So, we'll see what happens.

As for me, today I was just kind of blah. I did power through and do some unfun things like clean out the garage (in prep work for the new fridge) and Hayden and I celebrated James Buchanan's birthday today.

And now none of my pictures will come over from my phone, because I got my new phone yesterday, and I don't know, it's not connected or whatever. And Asa's working, so my tech support is unavailable.  I made an album, so I guess that works for now, but I'll have to figure it out.

In an effort to keep my mood up today, I did talk a lunch walk with Asa. 

And we spotted a couple of gators. 

Hayden had virtual chess club with Max, so that was nice. 

But mostly I just felt like Dipper today. Like I wanted to find a cozy spot and take a nap. I even resorted to hanging out with Calib in his room today for a change of scenery. 

But, I did power through and teach Hayden all about James Buchanan today. 

And then we got fast food for dinner. Which is not great, I know. But, I just was not feeling dinner tonight. 

But the boys were happy, and I haven't had fast food in forever. So, it was kind of nice. Plus we ate outside, so that helped my mood. 

And then Asa had time for an evening walk. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes. I just am feeling so blah. Maybe it's nearing the 40 day mark that's getting to me. I'm not even bored as much. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks":  Moroccan Orange Cake round 3

Current binge watching obsession: I think we're going to finish Tiger King tonight. We'll see, we have two episodes left. Hayden is obessed with Zoey's Extraordianry Playlist though, he binged the whole thing in two days. 

Most popular game: Hyrule Warriors came today! 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 6? 7? I don't know, more restless than bored.  

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 27, none today, for the second day in a row. Weird. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 3 (1 Costco, 2 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 3 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds)

How many times we've walked the loop: 20. Twice today (plus a morning dog walk, but that wasn't the loop, so it's not in the tally) 

Days Down: 39. *sigh*

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 10 more.

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