Monday, April 27, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 45

So, Google says we passed a million cases. John Hopkins says were not there yet. But either way, we're approaching it. 

But, other than that, I've got no news for you today. The only time I saw anything was when I was folding laundry and I turned on the TV, and like... what?  This is what news is these days. I guess with less traffic, murders and general people out an about, there's nothing to talk about but Coronavirus, and even that gets old. 

Anyway, today has been a good day. I even moved my clip to "Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood". The weather today is amazing. It was 80, sunny, and very low humidity today. So my goal was to spend a lot of time outside today to help boost my mood. In fact, as the sun sets, I'm coming to you from the back patio. Gotta keep this all in perspective, out of all the houses I've lived in in Florida, this is the best one to be quarantined in for sure. 

I took Ellie on the loop this morning, and we had a lovely walk (she stopped and sniffed A LOT) and I let it go so I could soak in the sunshine. 

We found some new chalk art... 

...and this amazing Senior class of 2020 sign. I mean, this has to suck for high school seniors, which I guess is technically Peyton. But, since we don't adhere to social norms in this house, it's no big deal. He'll finish up his duel enrollment classes, get his 12th grade evaluation and move on with his life by taking more college classes, without any graduation stop over in between. 

Speaking of college classes, Calib's math teacher made his students take their test during what used to be class time. Calib's sleep schedule was a wreck, so he tried to course correct, but fell asleep around lunch time and was up by 2 AM. That made an 8:30 math test bearable though, so I guess that works. Shout to to my mom for the help. She's teaching all her online classes, and basically Calib's math. But since it was switched online his grade has gone from a C to an A, so this pandemic thing isn't so bad for him. 

Asa wanted a change of scenery today (mostly because Peyton also cycled and spent most of the day in the office shouting to his friends about video games), so he spent time out in the family room. For a Monday, I've gotten to spend a good amount of time with him today. 

After lunch we went on a walk of the gator loop. We were feeling crazy though, so I said we should walk the opposite way. We did, and happened upon the neighbors dog. They hadn't even noticed she slipped under the fence yet, so we returned her practicing as much social distancing as possible. 

And THEN we walked the gator loop. 

We only spotted one gator, but we also came across a pretty big turtle. 

Ulysses Grant's birthday is today, but I was a little behind. I finished up all of the stuff for him today, so we can celebrate tomorrow (which is actually James Monroe's birthday, but that's fine. We'll just do his next week). I did all my work from the porch though. Now I even had the added bonus of the running waterfall noise. It's lovely. 

For our fun thing today, Hayden and I made Coronavirus walking bingo, and then set off on a walk to find various things: a delivery truck, a turtle, a gator, sidewalk chalk art, a butterfly, a screaming child, someone going for a run, someone walking a dog. You know, stuff like that. 

So we searched the neighborhood until we had bingo. 

I made quesadillas for dinner, because we had shredded chicken we had to use up. Calib was so mad, because I said I'd make Nancy Reagan Mac and Cheese, and then realized it had to be a shredded chicken night, but when we settled on quesadillas he seemed ok. 

I also swung in my hammock and had dessert. It's Monday though, so no real sweets for me (I try and eat pretty carefully through the week and then have junk food type stuff on the weekends), so I had a bowl of strawberries and some whipped cream. 

Calib and Peyton have been up and around all day, so that's been a little weird. Even the dogs couldn't figure it out. 

Though, Etta was acutely aware when Calib started taking the dogs one by one for baths. She slinked to the corner of the kitchen hiding from having to get a bath. 

I do have big news, I did announce my retirement from being the one to know where everything is. I announced my resignation, effective immediately. Calib and Asa were really bummed about this. 

Current binge watching obsession: Too Hot to Handle. It's terrible. But like, we need some train wrecks to watch these days, right? 

Most popular game: In a desperation move, Calib and Asa have brought back out the Xbox 360 and whatever the last NCAA game they had. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. It was probably one of my best days today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 29. No time for TV on such a gorgeous day. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 6  (3Costco, 3 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 5 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds, and Wawa) 

How many times we've walked the loop: 27. I added three times to the tally today! 

Days Down: 45

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 4 more.

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