Friday, April 3, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 21

10,268 cases in Florida tonight. I just checked. But, admittedly, that's all I know for the day. Today, I struggled a bit. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's are easy for me. Nothing much has changed with those days, but the days where I'm usually out and about, are rough for me. I know, I shouldn't let staying in get me down. But, the last fun outside the house thing we did was Leap Day. The weekend after that, we stayed home to save oru fun money for things like March Madness, Wrestlemania, and our Florida Anniversary, none of which ended up happening(or in a weird capacity).  I'm trying, but today just dragged. I'm like a weird kind of bored today. 

There was no morning walk with Ellie this morning, since she cut her foot yesterday. It looks much better today, but I thought we should still limit her walking. She just looked longingly out the window at all the dogs that were taking their morning walk. I did do school work with Hayden this morning. We're almost done with Catcher in the Rye, thank goodness, because I am not a fan. 

I have some new flowers blooming, and it's hard to see in the picture, but my toad friend was still there this morning. 

We did have picnic lunch on the front porch today, for a change of scenery. 

Dipper and Etta just stared at us from the window. 

Just to try and move some, Asa and I walked around the loop, and took Hawk Wind Trail... 

...where we saw two baby cranes...

...and three baby gators all in the same spot. I've never seen that many there at the same time. 

I also watched an episode of the Imagineering Story, and Frozen II, since it's been a couple days. 

And we played a rousing game of Tammany Hall, which I won. But Calib really tried to cross me and break deals. 

We had a pasta dinner tonight... 

...with all the Sattlers! Mom, Cort, Holly, Gwen, Garrett, Uncle Grant, Aunt Sharon, and even Jake joined us for dinner. (We all had pasta in solidarity). 

We said goodbye because we were losing daylight. I did not eat well today (a BLT and chips and dip for lunch, two leftover chicken tenders, a piece of the cinnamon cake,  and pasta- I'm such a stress eater), so I wanted to make sure to take another walk after dinner. I'll be dammed if I gain any weight from this whole thing. It took me a year to get down 60 pounds. 

Calib called us about halfway around the loop wondering where we were- he had gone the opposite way, so we met up in the middle, but he had brought his longboard with him, so he gave Asa a little tutorial on how that worked. 

They're all out playing basketball now. I'm watching Moana, and figured I'd catch up on the blog. Hopefully tomorrow I'll snap out of my funk and today was just a weird day. Three weeks into social distancing, and a lot more to go. I've gotta find some way to cope. 

 Most popular "hurricane snacks": Cinnamon Roll Bundt Cake. It's almost gone now, though. That'll be good, then I wont eat anymore. 

Current binge watching obsession: Last night we watched Ozark, so tonight is likely Little Fires Everywhere. 

Most popular game: Tammany Hall. Calib is obsessed. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 8.  I'm leaving room because I feel like it could be worse than it was today (though I'm not entirely sure how), but also, I was fricken board today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 14.5 

Trips to the store: 3 (2 Publix, 1 Costco), and two take out trips (Capital Tacos & PDQ))

New addition! How many times we've walked the loop (starting in the last few days, since I don't remember before then): 4 

Days Down: 21

Days Remianing: Undetermined. But at least 28 more! 

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