Thursday, April 16, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 34

In today's terrible news, Florida unemployment has a backlog of over 850,000 applications. Something like 35,000 have been processed. I feel so terrible for those people, because if this had gotten here five months sooner, we would be one of those people, and that's horrifying. I don't even know how we'd manage. But, instead, Asa works in online education. So we're all fine and good here. But my gosh. Get it together Florida. You go declared WWE an essential business but can't process unemployment applications for weeks? Terrible. Meanwhile, the Treasury Secretary is on TV saying $1,200 is enough for Americans to live for 10 weeks. I don't know about you, but that's less than our mortgage, and ten weeks would be TWO of those.

I heard Trump has a plan for phases of reopening for guidelines. I also heard they are vague, and a little confusing. But, did we expect anything less? Three days ago, he was claiming he had "total authority" and it was all up to him, now he's telling Governors it's all up to them. Which would make me feel better if I lived in a state with a capable governor. I wonder how these guidelines will hold up. (That's how I think of everything now... will we look back and be like 'oh young, naive us, we had no idea what we're in for' or will we be like 'That was a crazy time, when we had to be lock downed, remember all that?")

If you're wondering whats going on over on Fox News, last night Asa and I flipped over there, and they had up a graphic about all the money Bill Gates has donated to various health organizations. Like, the graphic is positive, right? Billions of dollars to research, but they're talking in this snarky tone, like "can you BELIEVE this guy, what an asshole." It was very weird. '

672,000 cases in the US tonight. What's that up from? I have no idea. Florida keeps climbing at about the same clip with a total of 23,300.

In happier news, did you guys see the pizza groundhog who downed a whole slice of pizza in front of some lady's glass door, while her dogs watched on. Amazing. Wellington, and his penguin buddies Edward and Annie at the Shedd Aquarium got to go outside and hop up and down the aquarium steps! Adorable. I think I need to start a Twitter strictly of various zoos/aquariums/museums to get myself through all this.

I feel like people are adapting, last night ESPN was showing League of Legends. ABC is airing a Disney family sing along tonight. Oh, and I think the NBA Horse competition wraps up tonight. Has anyone else seen Jim (from the Office) and his good news shows? They're awesome.

Today was kind of a weird day, it was cold and rainy. It hasn't been either of those things for a long time. But, that meant Ellie couldn't go for her morning walk, and she was unamused. She kept giving me the side eye, and then everytime she re positioned herself on the couch she sighed very loudly. She can be very dramatic.

Today is also Thursday, which meant it was a grocery day. We ordered to have delivery again, instead of me going into a store. We got nearly everything on our list. Most importantly, our shopper found the Boboli pizza crusts we need for the draft day pizzas. 

We did take an afternoon walk, where my phone was a casualty. Hayden dropped it, and cracked it. I did need a new one, but I was hoping to not have phone payments for awhile longer. Asa got me all taken care of though, so a new one will be here early next week. I'm such an old person though, because all I can think is 'crap, now I have to learn how to use a new phone'. 

After I was done being mad about that, Hayden and I went to work on our project for the day. Hayden's been missing his sewing classes at the library, so I thought we should break out the sewing machine for a very coronavirus project. 

We made a bunch of masks! 

My mask is a little smaller than everyone elses. Calib put mine on but it barely covered his big face. 

He was doing math with my mom, so I showed our work off to her and Gwen, who had their own sewing masks lesson on Monday. 

Overall, I think we did a good job. They work well enough. But man, if we have to wear them whenever we go anywhere and it's 110 degrees outside, they're going to get real sweaty. 

Asa said he'd make us all Five Guys for dinner, Calib made sure he was practicing proper coronavirus protection while he ordered. 

Meanwhile, I was just happy with my burger and fries. I even got grilled mushrooms on it this time! I'm telling you, I think wrapping it in foil is key. It lets it all get steamy for a few minutes together and it's perfect. 

Round Two has started in our Disney bracket of which food to eat first when they reopen (which I fear could be very far away). But, for now we'll see Sleepy Hallow Waffles and Baseline Charcuterie Board move on in the MK/HS division, while Les Halles is going up against Tangierine Cafe. 

In today's Disney movie quest, we checked off Coco and Toy Story. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Easter Basket Candy/ Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs

Current binge watching obsession: Tiger King probably tonight (though maybe Little Fires Everywhere, that comes out on Thursdays, right?)

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley happens every single night with Jake.

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. Thursdays are Asa's short days, and things start to get squirrely because I know we COULD be doing something if these were ordinary times. But, these are not ordinary times. Who knows if ordinary times will ever return?

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 24.5 One this afternoon to cheer me up after my phone broke

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 3 (1 Costco, 2 Publix- including the one we got today!)

Food Delivery Nights: 1 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell)

How many times we've walked the loop: 15, just the one today.

Days Down: 34.  *Sigh*

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 15 more. Pretty sure we haven't reached the peak here though, and the guidelines that came out from the White House today suggest you see a decline for at least 14 days before you can even enter "Phase one".

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