Sunday, April 12, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 30

Holy crap. We are on day 30. THIRTY. Just, that's a lot. 

554,000 cases in the US, at least 100,000 of those in New York. Florida is close to 20,000 cases. We'll hit that milestone tomorrow for sure (it's a bingo square). 

Did you guys watch SNL from home last night?Live from Zoom, it’s sometime between March and August! It was amusing. We got Weekend Update back, Tom Hanks hosted from his kitchen, and they made fun of everything from zoom calls to my favorite sports report. Live from Zoom,  and Tom Hanks line "There is no such day as Saturdays anymore, everyday is... today." 

Commercials are weird now too. I remember when this first started, CBS got a promo together  with all their stars to let us know we're all in this together (which I still call BS on celebrities saying that, but anyway...) but now like EVERY commercial is about 'social distancing' and staying safe at home, and companies being 'here for you'. But hey, Progressive is giving us a break on car insurance because we're not going ANYWHERE. So there is that. 

The NBA just started it's first round in their HORSE from home challenge. The championship is on Thursday at 9. I could be persuaded to tune in. 

I hear the stimulus money is starting to be deposited. Knowing my bank, I'll see it in four weeks. But, that's ok. Lucky for us, we're pretty unaffected. Right now it certainly pays to work in online education. I can't imagine if Asa still worked for the small company out of California, who solely supported other small companies. 

It may have been Easter today, but we celebrated days ago. Only two days ago, but in coronavirus time that's like four weeks. Anyway, so today Asa and I took our usual Sunday morning bike ride. 

We spotted four gators in all. 

Then, while riding through the Groves we came across stranded turtles who kept walking into the net at the aquatic driving range, not realizing why they couldn't get through. So Asa lifted the net and they RAN for it. We freed turtles today. Look how accomplished we are! 

While taking the trail over in Connerton, we could hear a nearby church having Easter Sunday services on a loud speaker while everyone sat in their cars. 

And I brought sidewalk chalk along to spread a little Easter Cheer. 

Asa always we saw some birds, and some babies. 

And then I added to all the chalk art "graffiti" in the tunnel. 

For the past couple weeks, kept riding past a giant pile of rubble by a dumpster near the park where they've been pulling up the sidewalk to redo. I kept saying it would be really good rock for around my pond and to finally build my waterfall. So today we got in the car and "stole" some rock. 

We had to empty out the trunk of all the mulch before we got the rock. We just kind of threw it in the backyard, it'll be a project for another day. You can't do your whole to-do list in one day, you know? Not in these times. I'm at the part where I'm like 'Well, I could do laundry on Wednesday," "maybe powerwash the back porch on Thursday", "Monday we're having waffles". You know, just one thing a day. 

My plan is to mulch around the tree. This SUCKS in the summer, when the grass grows here but you can't really mow it because of the tree roots. It's actually started to screw with a wheel on our lawn mower. My solution is to mulch it in and forget about it. Who needs all that grass anyway. 

But that's a project for another day. It was HOT today. We've got a 'feels like' temperature of 100 for the first time in awhile. 

So, naturally, it was also a pool day. My forehead feels sunburnt. Looking at this picture, I feel like I know why. 

Jake called to see if anyone was available for some Stardew Valley. 

So Asa and Calib booted up the game. 

But if Hayden plays too, we can't watch Disney Plus, because he's using the TV. In Coronavirus times, that's an issue. Consider the problem resolved. The living room is now home to not one, but TWO tvs. One for gaming, one for Disney Plus. And, a tent to sit in. 

For dinner I made fries and heated up the PDQ chicken tenders from the BOGO platter of yesterday. I even put it in baskets to feel like we were at PDQ. 

Here's Peyton. He's having a Coronavirus melt down today. His laptop stopped working (it's under warranty so long term it's not an issue), but as you can imagine, this is a bad time for it to stop working.  He just kept wandering around asking everyone what they do all day. 

We did finally break into the chocolate lava cakes for dinner too. They only come in packs of four, so Asa and I shared. They were delicious though. 

In Today's Disney Challenge we watched Hercules, but that was it. 

We didn't do a Disney bracket yet today, but we'll get to it, so I'll share tomorrow. I'm trying to get my blog done, because I think we're back to the days where Peyton wants to borrow my laptop. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Chocolate lava cake! 

Current binge watching obsession: Tiger King is on the to-do list still. 

Most popular game: Stawdew Valley with Jake, all day, everyday. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. Not too bad today. I got so much accomplished. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 21, you might have noticed it on TV in the picture. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

How many times we've walked the loop: 12, holding steady today. Tomorrow we will likely be back at it. 

Days Down: 30 *sigh* 

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 19 more! Do we really think this is going to be over in 19 days? I mean, seems unlikely right? 

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